Periods 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 World History
Today, I instructed those who missed the Geog. Review: W, RE, Is, Af Quiz on Friday to take it A.S.A.P.....results will be posted on ParentSquare when most are done.
Your TofC for Africa is due to me on TOMORROW, but not yet with your parent signature. Let me approve it first...then I will give it back to you. It will be due back to me with parent signature on Tuesday, January 21. (There is no school on Monday, January 20.)
Geog. #12: the Americas Map (SSSp#77) is due TOMORROW. Quizlet "test" for Geog. #12 (SSSp#78) is due Thursday at 10 p.m.
We are starting our unit on the 1.1 of C6S1: The Geog. of MesoAmerica (SSSp#79) is due TOMORROW at 10 p.m. This is the Q&A on Google Classroom.
We then continued today with our reward film from Africa "Hotel Rwanda".
Monday, January 13, 2025 Wk. #6 of 13 of T2

Today, I collected your Geog. #12: The Americas map that you received yesterday. This is SSSp#77. You will get it back tomorrow.
I also collected your TofC for Africa. I am reviewing your work, then stamping it and giving it back to you. You now have until next Tuesday to turn it in with parent signature. (There is no school on Monday, January 20.)
Don't forget that the Quizlet "test" for Geog. #12 (SSSp#78) is due Thursday at 10 p.m.
We are starting our unit on the 1.1 of C6S1: The Geog. of MesoAmerica (SSSp#79) is due TOMORROW at 10 p.m. This is the Q&A on Google Classroom. Today, I gave you 1.2 of C6S1: Olmec Culture that is SSSp#80. It is due on Wednesday at 10 p.m.
We then finish our reward film from Africa "Hotel Rwanda". I hope you enjoyed it.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Wk. #6 of 13 of T2

A reminder...your TofC for Africa with parent signature is due next Tuesday. (There is no school on Monday, January 20.)
Don't forget that the Quizlet "test" for Geog. #12 (SSSp#78) is due Thursday at 10 p.m.
On the Americas, I today gave you 1.3 of C6S1: The Zapotecs and Monte Almán (SSSp#81) that is due on Friday at 10 p.m.
Today, we review what has happened about Rwanda and Paul Rusesabagina in the last few years.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 Wk. #6 of 13 of T2

Today, we review our SSSp#79 about the geography of MesoAmerica. We also played Quizlet Live to prepare for tomorrow's quiz.
A reminder...your TofC for Africa with parent signature is due next Tuesday. (There is no school on Monday, January 20.)
Don't forget that the Quizlet "test" for Geog. #12 (SSSp#78) is due TONIGHT at 10 p.m.
On the Americas, I today gave you 1.3 of C6S1: The Zapotecs and Monte Almán (SSSp#81) that is due on Friday at 10 p.m. Today, I gave you 2.1 of C6S2: Maya Culture (SSSp#82) that is due on Sunday at 10 p.m.
Thursday, January 16, 2025 Wk. #6 of 13 of T2

Lots of things we did today. First, I gave rewards to our class leaders from the unit on Africa and we selected class leaders for our unit on the Americas.
Next, I gave you Geog. #13: The Americas map (SSSp#83). It is due on Tuesday.
I also distributed the permission slip for "Apocalypto". It is due next week!
We then took the Geog. #12: The Americas Quiz AND the district assessment test on our unit of Africa.
A reminder...your TofC for Africa with parent signature is due next Tuesday. (There is no school on Monday, January 20.)
Friday, January 17, 2025 Wk. #6 of 13 of T2

Also don't forget that on the Americas, 1.3 of C6S1: The Zapotecs and Monte Almán (SSp#81) is due TONIGHT at 10 p.m. and 2.1 of C6S2: Maya Culture (SSSp#82) is due on Sunday at 10 p.m.
Today, we selected our class leaders for our unit on the Americas.
Than, I collected your Geog. #13: Americas map (SSSp#83) that was due today. I also collected your TofC with parent signature for our unit on Africa. It also was due today.
We then reviewed our 2nd assignment for our unit on this Americas...this was about the Olmecs who lived in what is today Mexico. We reviewed this on PearDeck. This was SSSp#81.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Wk. #7 of 13 of T2

Today, I distributed the forms for Parent Conferences which will be held next week--Thursday and Friday, January 30-31.
Today, we used PearDeck to review our notes about the Olmecs, Zapatecs and Monte Albán tribes of Central America. We then started a video about the "City of the Gods: Teotihuacan". We will finish the video tomorrow! Last year, I visited this ancient city which is just north of Mexico City...I showed you some of my photos and my video clip from my visit.
Tonight at 10 p.m., SSSp#86 about Maya Legacy is due.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Wk. #7 of 13 of T2

Today is our short day, so we continued the video about Teotihuacan and if we had time we played Quizlet Live to prepare for tomorrow's Geog. #13 Quiz.
Don't forget forms for Parent Conferences. Conferences will be held next week--Thursday and Friday, January 30-31. Forms are due by Monday.
Also, don't forget the Quizlet "test" (SSSp#85) is due tonight by 10 p.m. And, SSSp#87 about Tenochtitlan is due on Friday by 10 p.m.
Thursday, January 23, 2025 Wk. #7 of 13 of T2

Today, after collecting late work, we reviewed with PearDeck the Maya tribe (SSSp#82 and #84). Don't forget that the Parent Conference paper is due on Monday!
We then took a practice test with "Testmoz" to prepare for future Review quizzes!
I then gave the rewards for our new class leaders on this unit about the Americas.
I then gave the Geog. #14: Americas map assignment (SSSp#88). This is due on TUESDAY!
We then took this week's Geog.#13: Americas Quiz. I will inform parents about our results on ParentSquare.
Friday, January 24, 2025 Wk. #7 of 13 of T2

Today is the beginning of the 2nd half of T2. Grades were due today for your progress report for the 1st half ot T2.
Today, after collecting late work, we reviewed with PearDeck the Maya tribe (SSSp#82 and #84). Also, the Parent Conference paper was due today!
I gave rewards for those who did not miss a single assignment for our unit on Africa. CONGRATS!
I next gave you time to work on the Geog. #14: Americas map assignment (SSSp#88). This is due TOMORROW!
For period 2, since we had the assembly on Friday, today we took this week's Geog.#13: Americas Quiz. I will inform parents about our results on ParentSquare.
Monday, January 27, 2025 Wk. #8 of 13 of T2

First, I collected our Geog. #14: Americas maps. Quizlet is due on Wednesday. We will take the quiz on Friday.
Today, after collecting late work, we reviewed with PearDeck the Maya legacy (SSSp#86).
I gave rewards for those who did not miss a single assignment for our unit on Africa. CONGRATS!
We then started to view a couple fantastic videos about the Maya people.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 Wk. #8 of 13 of T2

Today, we finished our first video about the Maya people in Central America.
We then reviewed Geog. #14: Americas using PearDeck.
Quizlet "test" is due TONIGHT...we will be taking our Geog. #14: Americas Quiz on Thursday.
There is no school for you on Friday. Parent conferences are Thursday 1-3 p.m. and 4-7 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 Wk. #8 of 13 of T2

Quizlet "test" for Geog. #14: Americas was due last night. Today is a short day...we took our Geog. #14: Americas Quiz. Results will be posted this evening.
I gave you Geog. #15: Americas map (SSSp#91). It is due on TUESDAY!
This afternoon was conferences 1-3 p.m. and 4-7 p.m. Conferences tomorrow are 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
Thursday, January 30, 2025 Wk. #8 of 13 of T2

No classes for students. Parent Conferences.
Friday, January 31, 2025 Wk. #8 of 13 of T2

I gave you Geog. #15: Americas map (SSSp#91) on Friday. Just a reminder that it is due TOMORROW! The Quizlet "test" (SSSp#92) is due on Thursday at 10 p.m.
Today, I started another fascinating video clip about the Maya people in Central America.
I gave 3.3 of C6S3: Aztec Defeat & Legay (SSSp#93) that is due tonight by 10 p.m.
I also gave 1.1 of C7S2 about the Pre-Inca Cultures. This is SSSp#94 and is due by 10 p.m. on Wednesday.
Monday, February 3, 2025 Wk. #9 of 13 of T2

I first collected Geog. #15: Americas map (SSSp#91). The Quizlet "test" (SSSp#92) is due on Thursday at 10 p.m. We will take the quiz on Friday.
I then gave the rewards to last week's class leaders.
Then, we reviewed the 3.1 and 3.2 parts about the Aztecs using PearDeck. 3.3 was due last night, but many people were absent, so I will give time tonight to complete the work and we will review tomorrow.
We then viewed a couple short videos about the Maya timeline!
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Wk. #9 of 13 of T2

Today, we reviewed using PearDeck 3.3 of C7S1 about the Aztecs.
Next, I returned your Geog. #15: Americas map (SSSp#91). We reviewed it on PearDeck. Don't forget that the Quizlet "test" (SSSp#92) is due on Thursday at 10 p.m. We will take the quiz on Friday.
I then distribted and reviewed the "tips" for the Americas. I suggest you keep this for the rest of the year to to help you when we take our future review quizzes and our final quiz at the end of the year.
We then started a fantastic video about the start and fall of the Aztecs in Mexico!
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 Wk. #9 of 13 of T2

Today, being a short day, we had little time, so we started our "Tips for the Americas Map". This is SSSp#96. This will be due next week (date not yet set). If we didn't finish in class today, you can finish it on your own. The marks on the map are on my web site.
Don't forget that the Quizlet "test" (SSSp#92) is due on TONIGHT at 10 p.m. We will take the quiz TOMORROW.
Yesterday, I gave you the Q&A for the Aztecs...this is SSSp#95 about 1.3 of C7S1: Inca Society and Government. This is about the Incas in Peru that we will review next week. It is due Friday night by 10 p.m.
Don't forget that there is now school on Monday. It is Lincoln's birthday!
Thursday, February 6, 2025 Wk. #9 of 13 of T2

Today, we started our History Channel video about the Aztecs. We will finish on Tuesday.
Don't forget to check our "Tips for the Americas Map". This is SSSp#96. This will be due next week (date not yet set).
I then gave you Geog. #15B: The Americas (SSSp#97). This is due next WEDNESDAY. It is adding ony 3 countries: Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Be sure to read the directions in Google Classroom.
Then, I gave you the Geog. #15: Americas Quiz!
Don't forget that there is now school on Monday. It is Lincoln's birthday!
Friday, February 7, 2025 Wk. #9 of 13 of T2