Periods 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 World History
The point of the TofC or Table of Contents is so you can monitor your work through each unit, see your success (or failure), and be ready to make a new start with the next unit. The TofC is also our chance to share your work with your parents.
Most of the work is electronic...on the Internet and monitored through Google Classroom. We do have a few assignments that are on paper.
Do you want to see what it takes to get an A+ on your spiral? Click on the video to see a review of all of the types of assignments in each unit.
Do you need help creating your Table of Contents for your Social Studies Spiral Notebook? Get a ruler and a black or blue pen and watch this 7-minute video.
How to use your CheckList when grading your SS Spiral Notebook.

For the highest grade on your spiral, color in the first box in yellow, the 2nd box in red.
Also, write the letter grade of your spiral for this unit based on the points in the 2nd column, the point that your wrote on the front page.